martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Formal Letter

Dear Mr Cooper,

                           My name is Max, I am 12 years old and my birthday is on 12Th July. I live in Road Street 6781. I am writing to you because I know that you have a time machine that Professor Fly Bender created, in your garage sale. I want to buy it for a friend to give him a surprise. He is called Steve, and he is my best friend.
                           I want to buy it because he talked to me a lot about history. I want to take him to the times that he told me about.
                           What I want to know is how much it costs, and if works. Do you have delivery?

                                                                             Your sincerely
                                                                                                                                   Max Winsiski                  

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Caracteristicas de los Seres Vivos

   Acá hay un Popplet sobre las características principales. En la clase fuimos divididos en grupos y entre dos había que buscar fotos e información y lograr completar el Popplet con las características. Se podía concurrir a cualquier programa para hacer este trabajo pero nosotros elegimos Popplet . Acá esta el que yo hice con mi compañero Pedro.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Hard Times

In the subject Drama we are studing the Victorian Era and for know more we divided in groups and we did a Popplet of the Hard Times

L´ arbre généalogique

En este documento les explico el árbol genealógico que hice en Popplet de la familia.

Causes of the First World War

 For know more of the WWI we did an Popplet about the Causes of the industrial revolution. We were divided in groups. I was with Federico Berro and I . We talk about the Short Term Causes and the Long Term Causes. We got information of an Google Drive that we did and photocopies that the teacher give us about.

Our presention of the WWI

  For know more with the teacher we did an google drive. And divided in groups we had to put information about the title that we had to complete of the presentation. Here is the link of the presentation for you if you want to know more of the WWI: Here

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013


In the subject History we had to made a Scribble map of an Empire of the First World War. To my group touch the Great Britian Empire. Here is the map:

For know more of the IR

 In history we had to do a Popplet about the Industrial Revolution the class was divided in groups and in mi group the subject that had mi group was Natural Recourses. If you want to know more you can see here the Popplet that mi group did.

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Mi chart of biomes

  In the last classes of EM of the first term we were working on biomes and for know more, we had to did a chart about the biomes of the world. The girls had to did a part of the definitions of the biomes and the boys the other part. The definitions that we had to find out of were: location, climate, fauna and flora. All the information that we had to find it out we had to took it of the page Blue Planet Biomes

The girls did:
 - Tundra
 - Taiga
 - Desert
 - Savannah
 - Grassland
 - Chaparral

The boys did:
 - Alpine
 - Rainforest
 - Deciduous forest