miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

Vietnam War

1. Describe American involvement in South Vietnam between 1854 and 1963
In 1954 the US applied a different rule: it prevented elections from taking place because it feared that the Communists would win. The Americans thought that China and the USSR were planning to spread Communism, and if Vietnam fell, many other countries (Laos, Thailand, etc.) would fall with it, and Americans were determined to resist the spread. In 1955, US helped the extremely corrupt president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, to set up the Republic of South Vietnam (set up in December 1960), as he was anti-Communist and prepared to exile Communists. By 1962, President Kennedy was sending military personnel to fight the Viet Cong, arms and soldiers that were called “Advisers”. In 1963 and 1964, tension between North and South Vietnam increased and so did American involvement. However, Kennedy said he was determined that the US would not “blunder into war, unclear about aims or how to get out again”.  On March 1965, America was at war in Vietnam.

2. Why was Cuba important to the USA?
Cuba was important to Usa since they were allies and negotiate together. Also Usa owned most of the businesses of Cuba and they had a huge naval base in the Cuba Island. Between 1959-61 Castro took over all this business and he wanted to run Cuba without interference, so Usa broke of diplomatic relations with Cuba. The invasion of USA  in the Island suggest that the USA was unwilling to get directly involved in Cuba. The soviet leader, Krushchev was scroful of Kennedy’s pathetic attempt to remove Communism from Cuba. Soviets was helping Cuba and Americans watched all this with great alarm, so Kennedy asked himself what he could do (Invade, Do nothing, Surgial Air Attack, Blockade, Diplomatic pressures).

3. How far is it true that the USA left the Vietnam War because of military failure?
The US was involved in the Vietnam War from 1954 to 1973, when they retired all of their forces from the country. Many historians claim that this was due to military failure, but, how far is that true?
To begin with, the war was very different from how the Americans had imagined it. They thought their soldiers would win it easily, as they had largely superior technology and firepower, but the guerrilla tactics implemented by the Viet Cong fighters made this practically impossible. There were also other incidents, as the My Lay massacre and the Tet Offensive, that undermined the USA’s involvement in Vietnam. After the Tet offensive, President Johnson came to the conclusion that the war could not be won militarily.
There were also other factors that contributed to the end of the American involvement in Vietnam. A very important one of them were the huge peace demonstrations in universities and public spaces, in which people complained about the war in Vietnam. These were mainly because the USA was not only spending enormous amounts of money in the war, but also because they were sending hundreds of thousands of young men to fight a war that was not theirs. Moreover, many people were horrified when the My Lai massacre came to light. President Nixon (the one who pulled the USA out of Vietnam) was also involved in the Watergate Scandal.
In conclusion, military failure was an important cause for ending the USA involvement in Vietnam war, but there were also other reasons that made this happen.

4. Why did the unity of allies break down by 1945 and 1947?
The unit of allies between USA and USSR break down by 1945 and 1947, because they had different thoughts and wanted different things, Truman didn’t trust Stalin. Stalin was not respecting the agreement.

martes, 27 de junio de 2017


Resultado de imagen para walle

Dirección: Andrew Stanton
Producción: Jim Morris
Diseño de producción: Ralph Eggleston
Protagonistas: Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight
Año: 2008

En el año 2115, la Tierra se halla totalmente cubierta de basura en su superficie y por lo tanto los seres humanos la han abandonado, dejando atrás a una serie de robots que se encargan de limpiar y compactar los desechos. De estos robots, el único que se ve en plenas funciones es WALL·E, el protagonista de la cinta.

Space Oddity (David Bowie):

En julio de 1969 la Humanidad estaba a punto de presenciar el evento que es quizá su mayor triunfo en cuanto a inventiva, esfuerzo y determinación: el primer hombre en la luna. La letra ha sido motivo de debate en cuanto a su significado; pero lo que es seguro es que no está inspirada en el histórico alunizaje de 1969 y quizá sea precisamente su ambigüedad, lo que la ha convertido en un clásico y en el punto de partida de la leyenda del siempre mutante David Bowie.

Yo creo que Wall-E y la canción de David Bowie se relacionan de esta manera, en la cual los personajes en ambos casos son atraídos y no pueden liberarse del espacio en el caso de la película porque no había vida y posibilidades de habitar la tierra y en el caso de la canción porque Bowie es conquistado por las estrellas las cuales no le permiten regresar y lo tienen como prisionero. En la película, la nave y todos sus tripulantes son prisioneros del espacio y de el conductor tecnológico de la maquina la cual no los quería permitir regresar a la Tierra.

Fuentes Consultadas:

lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Oral presentations

Oral Presentations
In my school students are expected to deliver oral presentations. The aims of this proposal are to identify which are the negative aspects students have with the kind of assignments that could be encouraged and recommendations to deal with these, as the head of the school asked us to.

Bad aspects of presentations
I inquest different students at school that have to give oral presentations. Most of them complained that learning by heart is very difficult, and that in some cases the content it is very long so as to learn it in that hard way, and they do not feel comfortable with it.
Others complained about speaking in front of the whole class, and that all the eyes are in looking at you although the ones of the teacher and make them feel nervous and they could forget what they have to say and have a bad presentation.

Clearly, something could be done such as to making the presentation easier for students. I would make the following recommendations:

·         Students could record what they have to say.

·         Students could be allowed to use a paper where they studied from in case they forget what they have to say.

·         Reducing the topics to present, but making more presentations.

These final recommendations will encourage students to be more comfortable at the time they present and they will get better grades.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Población, gen, proteínas y evolución

En la materia biología estuvimos trabajando con la evolución y luego nos enfocamos en una de las pruebas de la evolución la cual una es el ADN, a partir de lo estudiado teníamos que escribir un texto relacionando los siguientes conceptos:
  • ADN
  • Gen
  • Proteínas
  • Evolución
Los cambios evolutivos ocurren de una población a la descendiente, es decir entre un conjunto de individuos de una misma especie, se pasa de especie en especie a la que le sigue de forma continua. Un gen es un segmento del ADN, ácido desoxirribonucleico, el mismo se encuentra en una zona del cromosoma, cada humano tiene 46 cromosomas y cada uno de ellos posee una sola molecula de ADN. La secuencia de nucleótidos en un gen codifica la secuencia de los aminoácidos en una proteína. Los alelos, es decir las diferentes variedades que puede obtener un Gen, cambian en todos los seres aunque en alguno puede haber algún parentesco. Cuando un organismo posee alelos de un Gen iguales se lo llama homocigoto y cuando son diferentes se lo llama heterocigoto. El genotipo de un organismo, es decir los alelos específicos en los cromosomas que posee, interactúa con el ambiente para influir en su fenotipo, es decir el desarrollo de características físicas y de conducta. Cada partícula de ADN está formado por nucleidos que a su vez están formados por un grupo fosfato, un azúcar y una base nitrogenada. La información genética permite relacionar a restos fósiles con individuos vivos actuales. Dando evidencia de evolución y generando conocimientos.