martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Creating a Character

In Drama I was asked to create a character and give her voice, so I wrote a monologue. This is me delivering the monologue


When I was a child my classmates bothered me because I had big ears, a big nose, I was  the poorest in the class, because I was always with my sister because i feared my mates, and I was bisexual.

One night while I was sleeping I suffered a strange metamorphosis, I wake up rapidly and I went to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and I had changed dramatically. My face changed. It was an light - blue alien face without a nose, with little ears and I didn't know how but I had lot of money. After the transformation, I realised I only like girls.

Nowadays, my mates don't bother me any more and I don't spend time with my sister. I feel self - confident, I am a winner at school and I am a very popular guy. What I want to know, Is how this happened to me.

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