lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Em Summary


In the world are a lot of biomes and are:

The climate of the Monsoon it is a dry season and wet season and the season change by the wind direction. During the summer, winds that typically blow from land to sea switch direction, drawing moisture from the ocean over the land. This summer monsoon period is typically associated with warm, wet weather. In the winter, the wind switches direction, pulling cooler and drier air out to sea. While this winter monsoon is often referred to as a dry monsoon, it can still bring some rainfall but doesn't typically bring the deluge associated with summer monsoon season.

Cold climates have the temperatures variates. This climate have a lot of precipitation all the year and they have a lot of winter and a very shorts summers. And it belongs to group A according to Koppen.

The Equatorial is located in Africa, South America, Malaysia, Indonesia and areas in northern Australia. Precipitation is around 200mm pear year. The temperatures at night is of 23º and during the day is of 30º. And it belongs to group A according to Koppen.

Hot desert are located in Australia, Mexico, Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, China, Usa and Iran it has very little rainfalls and there is no seasonal variation. And it belongs to group B according to Koppen.

Tundra is located in subartic and artic areas. The temperature is mostly cold, it raises more than 0º in one month of the year. The winters are longer than summer. And it belongs to group E according to Koppen.

Savannah is located in South America, this climate have a temperature range of 68 to 86. And it also has a precipitation of 100 to 150 cm of rain. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season during winter, and a very wet season during summer. In the summer there is lots of rain. It gets hot and very humid during the rainy season. And in winter, between December and February there is no rain. And temperature it is still around 70° F.It belongs to group A. 

1 comentario:

  1. Let´s talk about language and concepts so that you can make improvements. Some ideas are not fully developed,
